
DAAD Australia Alumni - Online Presentation by Prof Anthony Welch: The Rise of China. Implications for EU and Australian Higher Education?

Online Presentation with DAAD Alumnus Prof Anthony Welch:

The Rise of China. Implications for EU and Australian Higher Education?



Higher education is undergoing substantial structural changes, notably in relation to international collaboration and exchange. This online presentation examines China’s dramatic scientific rise, and the implications for the EU and Australian higher education, in a context of enhanced security concerns, and rivalrous US-China relations.


Bio of Prof Anthony Welch

Anthony Welch is Professor of Education, University of Sydney. Numerous publications address education reforms, principally within Australia and the Asia-Pacific. A consultant to state, national and international agencies, governments, institutions and foundations, particularly in higher education, his project experience includes the ADB project Higher Education in Dynamic Asia, and Higher Education Expert for the Comprehensive Education Sector Review, Myanmar.

A Fulbright Scholar, DAAD Scholar and Visiting Professor INRP, Tübitak, Haiwai Mingshi, Professor Welch’s recent books include Measuring Up in Higher Education (2021) International Faculty in Asia. (2021) and Education, Change and Society (2022).

DAAD Australia Alumni - Online Presentation: The Rise of China. Implications for EU and Australian Higher Education?

May 17, 2024, 6:45 PM to 8:00 PM


Organiser: DAAD Australia Alumni. RSVP by email:

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