The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) is an organisation that promotes the international exchange of students and scientists. It is the world’s largest organisation financing scientific mobility. As an association of German universities, the DAAD represents over 230 German universities and higher education institutions, with over 500 representatives in nearly 100 countries.
The IC Sydney
Das IC Sydney
The DAAD Information Centre Sydney is dedicated to serving the needs of students and academics throughout Australia. It promotes study and research in Germany, advises local students on funding opportunities, and builds ties between German and Australian universities.
DAAD Research Ambassadors are scholars and scientists in Australia who have conducted advanced long-term research projects in Germany. They are looking to promote research activities in Germany at their home universities and among their peers and students.
Study in Berlin - MBA & International Master’s Programmes
Study management in English. Improve your leadership skills. Gain digital know-how. Become part of an international student body. Benefit from many corporate activities, valuable career consultation a...
International Programmes at TH Rosenheim - Study in English!
Are you interested in studying in one of Germany’s most attractive regions? Do you expect a high quality of life, great recreational activities and an economically powerful region? Then start your stu...
Apply to the TUM Global Postdoc Fellowship at Technical University of ...
The TUM Global Postdoc Fellowship is a funding opportunity for external postdoctoral scientists who are currently residing abroad and would like to start their research at TUM.