Deutschland gehört zu den beliebtesten Studienorten für internationale Studierende. Wer an einer deutschen Hochschule studieren oder forschen möchte, hat zunächst viele Fragen. Hier erfahren Sie die 8 wichtigsten Schritte zu einem erfolgreichen Studienaufenthalt in Deutschland.
Alles rund um den Aufenthalt in Deutschland: Welche Studien- und Forschungsmöglichkeiten gibt es? Welche Hochschule eignet sich am besten? Und wie können Sie Ihre Sprachkenntnisse verbessern? So bereiten Sie sich am besten vor.
Hochschulen in Deutschland und in der ganzen Welt pflegen ein internationales Netzwerk an Kontakten zu Partnereinrichtungen. Mit seinen Förderprogrammen lädt der DAAD die deutschen Hochschulen ein, diese Netzwerke weiter auszubauen.
Der DAAD betrachtet das Ende der Förderzeit als Beginn einer langjährigen Beziehung mit seinen Alumni. Wir haben uns dabei zum Ziel gesetzt, den Kontakt der Alumni untereinander und mit dem DAAD zu fördern, sei es durch die Unterstützung bei der Gründung von Alumni Clubs, sei es durch vielfältige Förderprogramme und Maßnahmen.
Apply to the TUM Global Postdoc Fellowship at Technical Univ...
The TUM Global Postdoc Fellowship is a funding opportunity for external postdoctoral scientists who are currently residing abroad and would like to start their research at TUM.
International Programmes at TH Rosenheim - Study in English!
Are you interested in studying in one of Germany’s most attractive regions? Do you expect a high quality of life, great recreational activities and an economically powerful region? Then start your stu...
Study in Berlin - MBA & International Master’s Programmes
Study management in English. Improve your leadership skills. Gain digital know-how. Become part of an international student body. Benefit from many corporate activities, valuable career consultation a...
🇦🇺 Adelaide's annual German Week is back 🇩🇪! With a series of major events over 11 days, German Week Adelaide will celebrate the relationship between South Australia and Germany with the broader community 🙌🏼.
The Science, Business and Innovation Day will take place on Monday 16 September, co-hosted by the University of Adelaide and Flinders University. On this day, the DAAD Australia Information Centre Sydney will provide information on research opportunities in Germany and DAAD funding programmes 🎓.
👉🏾 Find more information here:
Adelaide German Week , German Embassy Australia , Flinders University The University of Adelaide Research in Germany Study in Germany DAAD #DAAD#changebyexchange#ResearchInGermany
German Week Adelaide is back! With a series of major events over 11 days, German Week Adelaide will celebrate the relationship between South Australia & Germany. Meet the DAAD IC Sydney at the Science, Business & Innovation Day on 16 September 2024 🎓.
🍀 In our Spring edition of the DAAD Australia Newsletter we take you "Out and About" in our German-Australian academic community and beyond 🎓.
Discover exceptional academic achievements, highlights of upcoming activities and funding opportunities for Australian students and scholars to collaborate with Germany in the second half of 2024 🇩🇪🇦🇺.
🗞️ Get your copy here:
DAAD Study in Germany Research in Germany German Embassy Australia
In our new DAAD Newsletter we take you "Out & About" in our German-Australian academic community and beyond. Find out about academic achievements, upcoming activities and funding opportunities for Australian students and scholars working with Germany.
The #DAAD European Research Area Green Hydrogen Fellowship programme is for graduate students in Australia! Become a part of one of four working groups in the field of GH2:
✅ Production
✅ Transport and Infrastructure
✅ Market stimulation (i.e. further development of the hydrogen market)
✅ Cross-cutting issues (i.e. regulation, socio-economic and legal framework)
The programme provides funding for:
✳️ a Master’s degree programme, or
✳️ up to one year of study in Germany as part of a Master’s degree programme, or
✳️ a Master’s thesis as part of an international Master’s degree programme, or
✳️ a self-organised internship in a company or at a non-university institution in the field of GH2 in Germany.
🔗 Start your journey to Germany here:
DAAD , Study in Germany , German Embassy Australia #GreenHydrogen#fellowship
🍀 This ERA Green Hydrogen Fellowship programme is for graduate students in Australia! Become a part of one of four working groups in the field of GH2:
✅ Production
✅ Transport & Infrastructure
✅ Market stimulation
✅ Cross-cutting issues
Start here 🔗
🇦🇺 Take your chance to earn a bi-national doctoral degree in Australia and Germany, funded by the #DAAD 🇩🇪!
Choose from two options for your #PhD 🎓:
✅ Doctorate with bi-national supervision
✅ Doctorate following the “Cotutelle” procedure
Funding is available for a period of 7 to 24 months, with additional allowances for grant holders. Start of funding in October 2025.
📆 Apply here by 21 October 2024:
DAAD , Study in Germany , Research in Germany , German Embassy Australia #ChangebyExchange
🇦🇺 Take your chance for a bi-national doctoral degree in Australia and Germany funded by the #DAAD 🇩🇪!
Your options for a #PhD are:
✅ Doctorate with bi-national supervision
✅ Doctorate following the “Cotutelle” procedure
📆 Apply here by 21 October 2024:
🎓 University students in Australia, are you looking to study abroad for a higher degree 🇦🇺? This #DAAD scholarship programme offers you the chance to continue your academic education with a postgraduate course in Germany 🇩🇪.
Apply by 21 October 2024. Funding starts in October 2025.
Find out more here:
DAAD, German Embassy Australia, Study in Germany #ChangebyExchange#studyingermany
🎓 University students in Australia, are you looking to study abroad for a higher degree 🇦🇺? This #DAAD scholarship programme offers you the chance to continue your academic education with a postgraduate course in Germany 🇩🇪.
Apply by 21 October 2024!